Religious Education & Faith Formation

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.

—Proverbs 3:5-6

Room Requests

As you are planning your bible classes and other ministries, remember to reserve your rooms. Stop by the office to complete a request form for room space.

Religious Education

St. Matthew’s Religious Education classes begin on Wednesday, October 2nd. K - 5th grades Wednesday 4-5:15 pm. 6th - 12th grades Wednesday 6-7:30 pm. Sign up forms are at the back of the church and in the parish office.

Young Adult Retreat

What Does It Look Like To: Build friendships, find community, and serve the Lord as an adult? Join us for a weekend dedicated to talking through and reflecting on these topics. Register Now at:

Vacation Bible School

June 24th - June 28th. PreK (potty trained) through 5th Grade. Free--thanks to Daughters of Isabella! Pre-registration required by June 17th.

Education for Children

Elementary | Grades k-5

Elementary Faith Formation is held on Wednesdays evenings from 4 - 5:15 PM.  To sign up, call the parish office at 752-6788.

Youth | Grades 6-12

Faith Formation is offered for youth on Wednesday evenings 6:00 - 7:30 PM. To sign up, call the parish office at 752-6788.

Registration Form

Confirmation: Confirmation will occur at the discretion of the Bishop. In order to be confirmed, students must be rigorously engaged for a minimum of two years in parish faith formation, as well as engaged in intentional acts of charity.

Registration Forms are at the back of the church and in the Parish Office
Registration is $50 per student, or $80 for a family.
Cash or checks—made to “St. Matthew’s”—are accepted at the Parish Office or by mail:

602 South Main St.
Kalispell, MT 59901

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Education & Support for Adults

Adults are welcome and encouraged to help us in any of the following groups. Call the Parish Office if you’re interested in leading a discussion or sitting in a class.

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)

Have you received all the sacraments? (Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation are the sacraments of initiation.) If not, consider joining OCIA and become formed in the Catholic Faith. Call the Parish Office to learn more.

Women’s Formation

St. Matthew’s offers various small-group women’s studies. Contact the parish office if you have interest in connecting with one.

Other Resources

Parish Missions

Mission dates are announced in the bulletin.

Catholic/bible studies

Opportunities are announced in the bulletin.

Divorce care

To receive support or to start the annulment process, contact the parish office.