
"Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul."

—St. Teresa of Avila

Room Requests

As you are planning your bible classes and other ministries, remember to reserve your rooms. Stop by the office to complete a request form for room space.

Community Kitchen - Feeding the Flathead

St. Matthew’s hosts Community Kitchen - Feeding the Flathead dinners every 2nd Saturday of each month. Our next meal is Saturday, September 14th at the Central Christian Church located at 248 2nd Ave East, Kalispell.

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus St. Matthews Roman Catholic Council #1328 We invite all Catholic Men ages 18 and older to join our Catholic Brotherhood and help the Knights of Columbus Change the World.

Daughters of Isabella

Ladies, if you seek fellowship with Catholic women devoted to Unity, Friendship, Charity, and most importantly, Prayer, we may be the group for you! The Daughters of Isabella will meet on the 4th Monday at 6:00 pm. Meetings will be held in the Rectory Basement. This change is being made to recognize that driving in the evening during the winter months can pose difficulties for members traveling a distance to attend meetings. We invite all interested women of the parish to join us for one of these meetings to Learn about our organization and its many spiritual and charitable activities.

Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound

Do you know someone in our Catholic community that cannot come to Mass due to illness or infirmity? Let us not forget them! Saint Matthew’s Parish has a dedicated ministry team who can visit, pray with and administer the Holy Eucharist. If you know someone who cannot come to Mass, please call the parish office at 406-752-6788. A few more volunteers are needed to reach everyone. If you would like to assist in this ministry, please call Brett Bennetts at 406-253-6411.

Jail Ministry

St. Matthew’s Jail Ministry needs Men! Every month on the second Saturday, at 10:30 am, two volunteers visit the jail to share our Catholic Faith and the Sunday Readings with the inmates. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, please call the parish office at 752-6788, and we will connect you with the right person who will be able to answer any questions you may have.

Sewing for Life

Our ministry will be making quilted blankets to give to the newly baptized babies of our church family. We will guide you and teach you how to quilt if you are interested in learning. If you have any questions, please call Wendy Petesch at 406- 253-5161 or Diane Joy at 406-260-3292.

Bereavement Group

St. Matthews and Risen Christ have an adult bereavement group. Whether your loss is new or many years old, this group may be a blessing for you. This ten week session will resume meeting at Risen Christ Parish on Thursday evenings, 7:00 pm beginning on May 12 through July 14, 2022. Please call the parish office (406 752-6788) with your name and number and the group leader will call you back.

Time & Talent

Listed are the opportunities where you can share your gifts and experience with the St. Matthew’s Parish family.

Faith Formation


Liturgical Ministry

  • Altar Server
  • Eucharistic Minister
  • Greeter
  • Lector
  • Music Ministry
  • Sacristan
  • Usher
  • Washing of Altar Linens


  • Communications Committee
  • Daughters of Isabella
  • Knights of Columbus (K of C)

Social Outreach

  • Community Kitchen
  • Deliver Communion to the Homebound
  • Jail Ministry

Temporal Concerns

  • Funerals
  • Food Dontaions
  • Luncheon Prep
  • Seasonal Grounds Work
God wants to bring renewal in His people through His people.