Current Events

General Announcements


Come to Adoration. The Holy Spirit is eager to show you the love between the Father and the Son! Adoration is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Marian Conference

Did you know Mary made an appearance in Montana? On August 16-18th, come to the very site this happened--St. Mary's in Stevensville. This event is to celebrate the two apparitions of Mary to the two native American children under the time of Fr. De Smet when he came from St. Louis at the request of the Salish & Nez Perce nations to have the “Black Robes” live among them.

New Counseling Program

Catholic Social Services of Montana is excited to announce the launch of its new mental health counseling program. We are actively accepting new clients.


Since the Foundation's Faith-in-Action Grant Program began in 2007, St. Matthew's Catholic Church has received a total of $15,224.65. Including $5,000 recently awarded to support the intergenerational women's faith formation group, employee, enrichment for Catholic institutions program, and religious formation of children. The Foundation gave 29 grants for a total of $103,379 in this grant cycle. YOUR support of the Foundation makes this possible. Help build your favorite parish or ministry endowment with an online gift at

Seven Sisters Apostolate

The mission of the Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest (Father Stan) -a “holy wasting” (Mt 26:10) or lavishing of prayer. A Seven Sister: One Holy Hour, One Priest, Each Week, One Heart of Prayer. If you are interested and would like more information contact Joyce Harris at either 406 -334-3760 or

Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound

Do you know someone in our Catholic community that cannot come to Mass due to illness or infirmity? Let us not forget them! Saint Matthew’s Parish has a dedicated ministry team who can visit, pray with and administer the Holy Eucharist. If you know someone who cannot come to Mass, please call the parish office at 406-752-6788. A few more volunteers are needed to reach everyone. If you would like to assist in this ministry, please call Brett Bennetts at 406-253-6411.

What is a Burse?

A Burse is an endowment. Burse Cards are used as a prayerful remembrance for deceased persons, persons celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, weddings or any event where prayers are desired. Contact Marlene Stevens at 406-212-0276 or Shirley Burns at 406-249-7275.‍

Volunteer Opportunity

Please consider being a part of the Mass. There are opportunities to become a Sacristan, Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Greeter and Altar Server. Call the Parish Office to sign up. You can choose how often you want to volunteer and training is available with Deacon Charlie. 406 752-6788

Join the Prayer Line

If you would like to be part of a large group of prayer warriors who pray for those in need, contact Karol Witt at or call her at 406-837-0072. This is an online prayer list that is sent every evening around 8 pm for the next day. It includes the saint of the day and some inspirational quotes and some Mass times. Karol does not text. You may call or email her for prayer intentions.

Donut Sundays

To encourage fellowship among us, Father Stan would like to have donuts and coffee available after the 11:00AM Mass on Sundays. In order to do this, we need volunteers to take on certain duties. Please check the back of the church for opportunities.



YouTube Channel

Live streaming is coming soon here at St. Matthew's Parish. Stay tuned to our YouTube Channel.

Ask Him to remind you that in order to really know someone, you must spend time with them... God is no different.
Ask Him to remind you that in order to really know someone, you must spend time with them... God is no different.
Behind all of our prayer requests should be a desire to grow closer to Jesus.
When the future is uncertain and all you see is darkness, you have something you don't have during times of tranquility: the opportunity to trust in Jesus.
Rest assured that your heavenly Father will give you exactly what you need.
“Ask Him to help you to be successful in discovering the different ways each one in your family needs to be loved.” Jane Trufant Harvey