Current Events

General Announcements

Christmas Schedule

Click the "Read More" for the complete schedule for the holidays

Christ in the Eucharistic Mystery

Come to Adoration. The Holy Spirit is eager to show you the love between the Father and the Son! Adoration is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Two Diocesan Campaigns

Parishioners in the Diocese of Helena have been presented with two campaigns in this past year. The information about each campaign was presented and made available to the Catholic faithful. In this information age, however, we are often overwhelmed by the sheer volume of it all that we sometimes filter out what is otherwise important to us. Here is a brief clarifying statement comparing and contrasting the two campaigns.

Giving Tree

Look for the “Giving Tree” in the Doran Center. The tags represent items a child or adult are in need of. If you choose a tag, please bring the unwrapped item and tag to the Parish Office before Friday, December 20th.

Christmas Baskets

Do you know a family in need of a Christmas Dinner Basket or Gift? The baskets will provide the ingredients for a turkey dinner and the trimmings. If you know a family, please call the parish office at 406-752-6788. We will want your name, the name of the family, their phone number and how many in the family.

Offer Mass to Your Loved Ones

The Holy Mass is the most powerful prayer we can offer to God the Father. In the Mass we are praying as a community of faith, mystically as the Body of Christ. In that same sacred moment, Christ, our Head, offers Himself as the supreme sacrifice to the Father. It is within this context of pure sacrificial love that it is most suitable that we, who are forever bound in love with another who has passed from this life to the next, beseech God to take our loved one to Himself. For this purpose, we may request that a Mass be offered for the repose of the soul of our loved one. The priest that is celebrating the Mass, and is present in Persona Christe, quietly makes this offering during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. It is a most powerful expression of our bonds of love. The parish will provide a prayer card to the requester to commemorate the Mass and may be communicated as a loving and faith-filled gift to the family of the loved one. Requests and prayer cards may be obtained at the parish office.

Don't Miss Out

There are more news and updates in the Formation and Ministry pages.

New Counseling Program

Catholic Social Services of Montana is excited to announce the launch of its new mental health counseling program. We are actively accepting new clients.


Since the Foundation's Faith-in-Action Grant Program began in 2007, St. Matthew's Catholic Church has received a total of $15,224.65. Including $5,000 recently awarded to support the intergenerational women's faith formation group, employee, enrichment for Catholic institutions program, and religious formation of children. The Foundation gave 29 grants for a total of $103,379 in this grant cycle. YOUR support of the Foundation makes this possible. Help build your favorite parish or ministry endowment with an online gift at

Seven Sisters Apostolate

The mission of the Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest (Father Stan) -a “holy wasting” (Mt 26:10) or lavishing of prayer. A Seven Sister: One Holy Hour, One Priest, Each Week, One Heart of Prayer. If you are interested and would like more information contact Joyce Harris at either 406 -334-3760 or



YouTube Channel

Live streaming is coming soon here at St. Matthew's Parish. Stay tuned to our YouTube Channel.

Ask Him to remind you that in order to really know someone, you must spend time with them... God is no different.
Ask Him to remind you that in order to really know someone, you must spend time with them... God is no different.
Behind all of our prayer requests should be a desire to grow closer to Jesus.
When the future is uncertain and all you see is darkness, you have something you don't have during times of tranquility: the opportunity to trust in Jesus.
Rest assured that your heavenly Father will give you exactly what you need.
“Ask Him to help you to be successful in discovering the different ways each one in your family needs to be loved.” Jane Trufant Harvey